OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Capability Variables

The following capabilities can be enabled or disabled:

Capability Variable Description
CAPABILITY_ACTIVATE_REFERENCE_EXTERNAL Allows an active model to be referenced to a model that is not in the masterfile.
CAPABILITY_ACTIVATE_REFERENCE_INTERNAL Allows an active model to be referenced to a model that is in the masterfile.
CAPABILITY_ALLOW_NON_SHX_STYLES If enabled, allows non-SHX fonts and styles to be used. If disabled, allows only line styles with symbols that contain SHX fonts or text styles to be used, which ensures full DWG compatibility. When disabled, line style usage is limited so that no additional shapes need to be created when writing a DWG file.
CAPABILITY_BSPLINE_DISPLAY_CONTROL Allows by-element control of B-spline curve/surface/polygon display.
CAPABILITY_BYCELL Allows ByCell settings for elements.
CAPABILITY_BYLEVEL Allows ByLevel settings for elements.
CAPABILITY_CELLLIB_ALLOWUPGRADEV7 Allows V7 cell libraries to be upgraded.
CAPABILITY_CELLPATTERN Allows OpenPlant Support Engineering cell patterns or AutoCAD named patterns to be used.
CAPABILITY_CELLS_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGES Allows sub-component attributes to be modified.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_MULTI_GRADIENT Allows more than 2 colors to be used in the gradient color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_BACKGROUND Allows the use of a background color on an element.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_BOOKTAB Shows the book color tab on the color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_GRADIENTTAB Shows the gradient color tab on the color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_INDEXEDTAB Shows the index color tab on the color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_TRUECOLORTAB Shows the true color tab on the color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLORTABLE Allows color table to be attached.
CAPABILITY_CREATE_COMPOUND_STYLE If enabled, allows a compound style to be created in the Line Style Editor. If disabled, a compound style cannot be created, which ensures DWG compatibility.
CAPABILITY_CREATE_POINT_STYLE If enabled, allows a point style to be created in the Line Style Editor. If disabled, a point style cannot be created, which ensures DWG compatibility.
CAPABILITY_CURVE_IN_CMPLXCH Allows curves in complex chain/shape.
CAPABILITY_CUSTOM_KEYPOINTS Allows custom keypoints.
CAPABILITY_DDDESIGN Allows dimension driven design.
CAPABILITY_DEFAULT_FONTS Allows default font.rsc to be used.
CAPABILITY_DESIGN_HISTORY If enabled, allows the use of Design History.
CAPABILITY_DGN_BLOCKS If enabled, all DGN files with one model are treated as blocks. The file name becomes the model name.
CAPABILITY_DGNLINK_FOLLOW_TOCONFIGVAR Allows you to use a link to a configuration variable.
CAPABILITY_DGNLINK_FOLLOW_TOLINKSET Allows you to use a link to a link set.
CAPABILITY_DGNLINK_MULTILINKS_PER_ELEM Allows you to add more than one link to an element in a DWG file.
CAPABILITY_DGNLINK_NONDGN_REGIONLINKS In DWG files, allows you to add links to headings in Microsoft Word documents, to individual sheets in Excel spreadsheets, and to bookmarks in Word documents and Adobe PDFs.
CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_SIGNATURES Allows the use of Digital Signatures.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_ALT_LABEL Allows alternate labeling for dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_ARBITRARY Allows a dimension to be aligned at an arbitrary position.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_ARC_ABOVE Allows an arc symbol above an angular text display for dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_ARC_LENGTH Allows an arc length format for an angular dimension.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_BALLNCHAIN Allows the ball and chain curve type at all dimension terminators.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_CAPSULE_FRAME Allows a capsule frame to be used around dimension text.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_CELLTERM_HEIGHT Allows cell terminators for dimensions to have different width and height.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_CUSTOM_PREFIX Allows custom prefixes and suffixes for dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_CUSTOM_SYMBOLS Allows custom diameter and plus/minus symbols for dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_DIMLINE_LEVEL Allows dimension lines to be placed on selected levels.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_FONT If enabled, allows font and text style options for dimensions. If disabled, only the style option is used.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_FRACTION_SCALE Allows the stack fraction scale to differ from the tolerance text size scale.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_INCLINED_FIT When fitting dimensions, use minimum leader; do not check text size for inclined dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_LSTYLE_OVERRIDE Allows line style overrides for dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_METRIC_FORMAT Allows unit separation for dimensions at thousandth and millionth.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_MINIMUM_LEADER Allows minimum leader beyond dimension terminator to be changed.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_NEG_EXTOFFSET Allows a negative value for dimension extension line offset.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_NOSTYLE Allows "Style (none)" to be used as the active dimension style.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_SECONDARY_ZEROS Allows separate leading/training zeros for a secondary dimension.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TERM_ATTRIBS Allows dimensions terminator symbology.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TERM_FIRST Allows the first terminator type for consecutive dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TERM_JOINT Allows the joint terminator type for consecutive dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TERM_SIDES Allows terminator to be inside/outside/reversed.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TERM_SYMBOL Allows the terminator character symbol.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TEXT_HEIGHT_SCALE Allows text height and annotation scale overrides if the text style has a non-zero text height.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TEXT_MARGIN Allows separate text margins for left of and above dimension line.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TEXT_WEIGHT Allows dimension text weight to be specified.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TEXT_WIDTH Allows text width overrides.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TOL_MARGINS Allows dimension tolerance text to set left and lower margins.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_UNDERLINE_TEXT Allows underlined text for a dimension.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_UNIT_FORMAT Allows the master units format for dimensions to be changed.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_UNIT_LABEL Allows master units labels to be set for dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_USE_MINLEADER Always use minimum leader set by the user when fitting dimensions.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_WIDEFIT_TEXTABOVE Allows the text above the dimension line to have the same fitting space as the text inline.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_WORKING_UNITS Allows the use of working units.
CAPABILITY_DIMSTYLE_REQUIRESTANDARD If enabled, style Standard or the last named style cannot be deleted.
CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_EDITING Allows for editing of the display styles.
CAPABILITY_DWGINCOMPATIBLE_LINESTYLES If enabled, all line styles are displayed in the list of available line styles. If disabled, allows only line styles that can be exported to DWG files to be displayed in the list of the available line styles.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATION Allows lines, multi-lines, and cells to be associated with elements.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_CLASS Allows element class to be set.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_LOCK Allows locking elements.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_PRIORITY Allows the element priority to be set.


Allows the element transparency to be set.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENTTEMPLATE_HONORELEMENTLOCK If true, locked elements will not be processed when applying symbology. The default is true.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENTTEMPLATE_HONORLEVELLOCK If true, elements on locked levels will not be processed when applying symbology. The default is false.
CAPABILITY_FENCE_NAME Allows the creation of named fences.
CAPABILITY_FILE_PROTECT Allows File Protection to be used.
CAPABILITY_GRAPHIC_GROUP Allows graphic groups.
CAPABILITY_GRID_ORIENTATION Allows a grid orientation display to be set.
CAPABILITY_IGDS_LINESTYLE Allows 1–7 IGDS line styles to be used.
CAPABILITY_INVISGEOM_BYELEMENT Allows invisible geometry display to be controlled by element.
CAPABILITY_LARGE_DESIGN_PLANE Allows elements to extend beyond the (4Bx4B) V7 design plane.
CAPABILITY_LEVEL_ALLOW_LEVELMANAGER Controls access to the Level Manager dialog and in turn the ability to make any changes to levels.
CAPABILITY_LEVEL_LIBRARY_ATTACH Allows a level library to be attached from the Level Manager.
CAPABILITY_LEVEL_LIBRARY_DETACH Allows a level library to be detached from the Level Manager.
CAPABILITY_LEVEL_PLOT Allows plot control of levels. A Plot column is added in the Level Manager.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_ALLOW_CREATE Allows level creation. This applies only if CAPABILITY_LEVELS_CREATE is not disabled.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_ALLOW_DELETE Allows levels to be deleted. This applies only if CAPABILITY_LEVELS_CREATE is not disabled.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_CREATE Allows level creation and deletion.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_DESCRIPTION Allows level descriptions to be used in Level Manager.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_ELEMENT_ACCESS Controls whether the level system allows changes to the lock property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_GLOBALDISPLAY Allows levels to be turned on and off using global display.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_GLOBALFREEZE Allows levels to be turned on and off using global freeze.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_MATERIAL Controls whether the Level System will allow changes to the material property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_NUMBERS Allows level numbers to be used in Level Manager/Level Display.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_OVERRIDE_SYMBOLOGY Allows symbology overrides to be set from the Level Manager.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_OVERRIDES_PER_LEVEL Allows symbology overrides to be set on a per-level basis.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_PRIORITY Controls whether the level system allows changes to the priority property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_TRANSPARENCY Controls whether the level system allows changes to the transparency property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_USE_AUTO_GENERATED_NUMBERS Controls whether the level system allows the user to see the auto-generated (system) level numbers and to work with them.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_VIEWDISPLAY Controls whether the level system allows changes to the pre-view-display property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_VPFREEZE Allows access to Viewport Freeze settings in DGN workmode, if applicable.
CAPABILITY_LIGHTING_ALLOWLONGLIGHTNAMES Allows light names to be more than 8 characters.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_CREATE_STDTXT On by default. Creates text style Standard when importing LIN files, if needed.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_CREATE_TEXTSTYLE Off by default. When importing LIN files, creates an necessary text styles as copies of Standard.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_SCALE_PER_MODEL Allows the setting of the global linestyle scale per model.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_SCALEDWIDTH For DWG, enforces that all line styles use True Width, so scaled width is disabled.
CAPABILITY_MASK_CLIP Allows image clipping (reference or raster).
CAPABILITY_MATERIAL_ASSIGNBYLEVELCOLOR Allows material assignment to be set by level/color.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_CHANGE_TYPE Allows model type to be changed.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_CREATE_2D Allows 2D models to be created.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_CREATE_3D Allows 3D models to be created.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_CREATE_DESIGN Allows DGN models to be created.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_CREATE_DRAWING Allows drawing models to be created.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_CREATE_SHEET Allows sheet models to be created.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DELETE_DESIGN Allows design models to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DELETE_DRAWING Allows the drawing model to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DELETE_LAST_DESIGN Allows the last design model to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DELETE_LAST_DRAWING Allows the last drawing model to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DELETE_LAST_SHEET Allows the last sheet model to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DELETE_SHEET Allows the sheet model to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DISPLAY_SHEETLAYOUT Allows changes to be made to the sheet layout display.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_EDIT_PROPERTIES_DESIGN Allows properties of design models to be edited.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_EDIT_PROPERTIES_DRAWING Allows properties of drawing models to be edited.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_EDIT_PROPERTIES_SHEET Allows properties of sheet models to be edited.
CAPABILITY_NONDEFAULTMODEL_ANNOTATION_SCALE Allows use of model's annotation scale in a non-default model.
CAPABILITY_NONDEFAULTMODEL_ANNOTATION_SCALE_LOCK Allows use of model's annotation scale lock in a non-default model.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_PLACE_AS_CELL Allows model to be placed as cell.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_UNITS_IN_SHEET Allows units to be set in sheet models.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_WITHOUT_VIEWGROUP Allows a model to be created without also creating a view group.
CAPABILITY_MODIFY_SELECTSERVER Allows user to modify the SELECTserver name and the activation key.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_ALLOW_ACTIVE Allows active settings for style elements.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_CAPSYMBOLOGY Allows multi-line caps to use color other than BySegment and styles, weights.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_CLASS Allows multi-line styles to use the Construction class.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_LINESTYLEMODS Allows line style modifiers for multi-lines.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_NOSTYLE If enabled, uses Style-None as the active multi-line style.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_REQUIRESTANDARDSTYLE If enabled, the Standard style can be renamed but not deleted.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_WEIGHTS Allows multi-line styles to use line weights.
CAPABILITY_NAMED_GROUPS Allows named groups to be created and used.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_ALL_FRAME_TYPES Allows the note to have all text frame types.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_ELBOWLENGTH Allows the elbow/hook line length to be set for a note.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_FRAME_SCALE Allows the note to have text frame scale.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_LEFTMARGIN Allows the left text margin to be set.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_LOWERMARGIN Allows the lower margin to be set.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_MANUALATTACHMENT Allows the note leader to be attached to the left or right side of the text.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_MANUALJUSTIFICATION Allows the note have a fixed justification.
CAPABILITY_PARASOLID Allows you to create a Parasolid element.
CAPABILITY_PLACETEXT_DISPLAY_TOGGLES Controls the tool settings for the Place Text tool. If enabled, when you place text using a style, toggles appear for the tool settings. You must then turn on a tool setting before you can modify it.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_ALL_TYPES Allows all supported raster types to be opened.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_APPLYROTATIONANDAFFINITY Allows the raster apply rotation and the affinity to be turned off or on.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_BACKGROUND Allows background color on rasters.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_DISP_GAMMA Allows use of display gamma control for rasters.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_GEOREFERENCEPRIORITY Allows you to change the raster georeference priority setting.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_INVERT Allows you to turn on/off the raster invert toggle.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_PHOTOMATCH Allows the photo match tool to be used on raster data.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_PRINT Allows use of print control for rasters.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_PRINT_GAMMA Allows use of the Print Gamma setting for rasters.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_TINT Allows tint color on rasters.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_TRANSP_FULL_CONTROL Allows full control on image transparency settings.
CAPABILITY_REF_ADJUSTCOLORS Allows reference colors to be adjusted.
CAPABILITY_REF_AUX_INFO Allows logical name and description for a reference attachment.
CAPABILITY_REF_DISP_PER_VIEW Allows display control on a per view basis.
CAPABILITY_REF_FROM_URL Allows a reference attachment from a URL.
CAPABILITY_REF_NESTING_OPTIONS Allows reference nesting.
CAPABILITY_REF_NONDEFAULT_MODEL Allows a model other than the default to be used as a reference.
CAPABILITY_REF_RASTERDISPLAY_OFF Allows reference and raster display attachments to be turned off.
CAPABILITY_REF_SAVE_PATH_REL Allows a relative path to be used for reference attachments.
CAPABILITY_REF_SCALELINESTYLE Allows line style scaling when attaching a reference.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_3DTO2D Allows 2D files to have 3D references.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_ALLOW_DXF Allows a DXF file to be attached as a reference.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_ATTACHLEVEL Allows a reference to be placed on a particular level.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_DISPLAYOVERRIDES Allows the reference display override behavior to be set.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_GEOREPROJECT Allows the geographic reprojection attachment mode to be used.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_HIDDENLINE Enables all options for the reference file's visible edge display.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_LINESTYLESCALE Allows you to select whether master and reference global line style scales apply.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_NEWLEVELDISPLAY Allows the reference new level display behavior to be set.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_PRIORITY Allows the reference priority to be set.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_SHEET_LOGICALNAME Allows the reference attachment logical name to be used in a sheet model.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_TRANSPARENCY Allows the reference transparency to be set.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_V8 Allows V8 type references.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_VIEWLEVELDISPLAY Allows a reference to be turned off in a view by turning off its attachment level.
CAPABILITY_SAVEDVIEWS_APPLY_TO_SHEETS Allows saved views to be applied to sheet models.
CAPABILITY_SAVEDVIEWS_CREATE_FOR_SHEETS Allows saved views to be created for sheet models.
CAPABILITY_SAVEDVIEWS_DELETE_FOR_SHEETS Allows saved views to be deleted from sheet models.
CAPABILITY_SAVEDVIEWS_PROPS_FOR_SHEETS Allows saved view properties to be edited for a sheet model.
CAPABILITY_SAVEDVIEWS_UPDATE_FOR_SHEETS Allows saved view setting updates for sheet models.
CAPABILITY_SCALE_AXIS_INDEP Allows scale factors to be independently modified along the X, Y, and Z axes.
CAPABILITY_SELF_REFERENCE Allows a self reference to be attached.
CAPABILITY_SHAREDCELLS_FROM_ATTACHED_LIB Allows shared cells from an attached library to be placed.
CAPABILITY_SHAREDCELLS_FROM_REFERENCES Allows shared cells from references to be placed.
CAPABILITY_STANDARDSCHECKER Allows the standards checker to be set or configured.
CAPABILITY_TABLE_DESCRIPTION Allows a description to be created for references or dimension styles.
CAPABILITY_TAG_NO_CELL_ELEMS Allows a tag element to be attached to non-cell elements.
CAPABILITY_TAGS_COPY_WITH_BASE Allows tags to be copied with a base element.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_AUTOSTACKFRACTIONS If enabled, the text editor creates AutoCAD-type stacked fractions from numeric characters that are separated by a slash (for example, 9/16).












If enabled, the setting is visible in the Text Styles editor. If disabled, the setting is not visible.



If enabled, the selected fonts are displayed in font list boxes. If disabled, the fonts are not displayed.






If enabled, the setting is visible in the Text Styles editor. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CB If enabled, the Center Bottom setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CC If enabled, the Center Center setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CT If enabled, the Center Top setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LB If enabled, the Left Bottom setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LC If enabled, the Left Center setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LMB If enabled, the Left Margin Bottom setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LMC If enabled, the Left Margin Center setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LMT If enabled, the Left Margin Top setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LT If enabled, the Left Top setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RB If enabled, the Right Bottom setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RC If enabled, the Right Center setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RMB If enabled, the Right Margin Bottom setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RMC If enabled, the Right Margin Center setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RMT If enabled, the Right Margin Top setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RT If enabled, the Right Top setting is visible in Justification list box. If disabled, the setting is not visible.






If enabled, the setting is visible in the Text Styles editor. If disabled, the setting is not visible.



















If enabled, the setting is visible in the Text Styles editor. If disabled, the setting is not visible.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_ACTIVE_DGNSETTINGS Controls the display of settings for "Style (none)" in the Text Styles editor. If enabled, DGN text style settings are displayed.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_ACTIVE_DWGSETTINGS Controls the display of settings for "Style (none)" in the Text Styles editor. If enabled, only DWG-compatible text style settings are displayed.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_ALLOW_CREATE Allows new text styles to be created.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_ALLOW_DELETE Allows existing text styles to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_ALLOW_MODIFY Allows existing text styles to be modified.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_NOSTYLE Allows "Style (none)" to be used as the active text style.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_STYLE_DGNSETTINGS Controls the display of settings for text styles in the Text Styles editor. If enabled, DGN text style settings are displayed.
CAPABILITY_TEXTSTYLE_STYLE_DWGSETTINGS Controls the display of settings for text styles in the Text Styles editor. If enabled, only DWG-compatible text style settings are displayed.
CAPABILITY_TYPE2_CELL If enabled, type 2 cells can be created.
CAPABILITY_TYPE87_RASTER If enabled, type 87/88 raster element can be created.
CAPABILITY_TYPE90_ALL Allows import of all rasters as type 90 elements.
CAPABILITY_UI_ALWAYSSHOWADMINWORKFLOW If enabled, Admin workflow is displayed even if the active file is not a configured DGNLib.
CAPABILITY_UI_IGNOREMENUSFROMDGNLIBS Hides menu customizations from DGN libraries. The default is to display these menus.
CAPABILITY_UI_LOADFROMACTIVEFILE Displays custom menus, tasks, and tools from the open DGN file, even though the open DGN file is not stored in the specified DGN libraries. The default is to display only custom menus, tasks, and tools from the DGN libraries.
CAPABILITY_UNITS_DGNCOORDREADOUT If enabled, displays coordinates in DGN format (for example, 1:0 1/4 instead of 1'-0 1/4”)
CAPBILITY_UNITS_DGNFORMAT If enabled, only shows DGN units (MU, SU, PU) and hides DWG format (Arch., Dec., etc.).
CAPABILITY_UNITS_LABEL Allows editing of unit labels.
CAPABILITY_UNITS_SCIENTIFIC_ACCURACY Allows scientific accuracy. (Cannot be saved to V7.)
CAPABILITY_UNITS_SUB Allows sub-units to be set.
CAPABILITY_VIEW_CLIP Allows you to view volume and to mask clips.
CAPABILITY_VIEW_ROTATE_SHEET_MODEL_VIEW If enabled, allows sheet model views to be rotated.
CAPABILITY_VIEWATTRIBUTES Allows view attributes in a DWG file to be modified.
CAPABILITY_VIEWGROUP_CREATION Allows view groups to be created.
CAPABILITY_VIEWGROUP_DELETION Allows view groups to be deleted.
CAPABILITY_VIEWGROUP_UPDATE Allows view group properties to be updated.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROC_FIELD_CELLPLACEHOLDER Allows the cell place holder option to display in field insertion list.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROC_FIELD_LINKPLACEHOLDER Allows the link place holder option to display in field insertion list.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROC_FIELD_MODELPROPERTIES Allows model properties to display in field editor.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROC_FIELD_PRINTPROPERTIES Allows print properties to display in field editor.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROC_FIELD_SIGNATUREPLACEHOLDER Allows digital signature place holder option to display in field insertion list.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROCESSOR_USE_RSCFRACTIONS If enabled and an RSC font containing fraction characters is used, the Text Editor creates an RSC fraction character from numbers separated by a slash (for example, 9/16).